
Using python as a parser, the IKE will have the power to:

Prepare your environment 

1. Install python 3.7

Use any tutorial that matches your OS, for example

make sure the installation is a success by running on the terminal 

python3 --version

The result should be

Python 3.7.4

2. Install indeni-parser

Using the terminal, install the latest version of indeni-parser

pip3 install "indeni_parser==0.0.0.*" --extra-index-url

The result should be similar to:

Looking in indexes:
Collecting indeni-parser
Installing collected packages: indeni-parser
Successfully installed indeni-parser-

in order to uninstall indeni-parser use 

pip3 uninstall indeni-parser

3. Install PyCharm

Install the community edition of PyCharm

4. Define Project Interpreter

5. Add indeni-parser template

Write your first parser 

Code Conventions

0. Get Device input file

Copy the input file to a new text file and place it  under the project, for example:


  "entries": [
      "id": "cpu-1",
      "total": "2000",
      "used": "300"
      "id": "cpu-2",
      "total": "2000",
      "used": "1000"
      "id": "cpu-3",
      "total": "2000",
      "used": "1500"
      "id": "cpu-4",
      "total": "2000",
      "used": "10"

1.Create a parser file

On menu go to File → New.. → IndeniParser

Give names to the file and class.

The file name cannot contain dots (.) use -/_ instead (e.g.

The class name should be UpperCamelCase for example MpstatParser.

2. Data Extraction

The first thing we need to do is to take the raw data and convert it to python object.

There are several ways to do the conversion:

As an example, we will simply use the json parser:

data = helper_methods.parse_data_as_json(raw_data)

3. Data Processing

After getting the data, we can process it to get the values that we need.

This section will normally be just a pure python, with the use of common methods that under the library helper_methods.

In our example we would like to take the data and create a map between cpu-id and percentage used:

for entry in entries:
    cpu_id = entry["id"]
    cpu_used = float(entry["used"])
    cpu_total = float(entry["total"])
    cpu_used_in_percentage = cpu_used / cpu_total * 100
    cpus[cpu_id] = cpu_used_in_percentage

4. Data Reporting

Finally, we need to report the data.

We have several types of data to report:

By hovering the method or click it you will get info what data to enter.

In our example, we want to report double metric for each cpu

for cpu_id in cpus:
    tags = {"name" : cpu_id}
	self.write_double_metric("cpu-usage",tags, "gauge", cpus[cpu_id], False)

5. Running the parser

The parser file should look like this:

from parser_service.public import helper_methods
from parser_service.public.base_parser import BaseParser

class CpuParser(BaseParser):
    def parse(self, raw_data: str, dynamic_var: dict, device_tags: dict):):
        self.debug("start parser")

        # Step 1 : Data Extraction
        data = helper_methods.parse_data_as_json(raw_data)

        # Step 2 : Data Processing
        entries = data['entries']
        cpus = {}
        for entry in entries:
            cpu_id = entry["id"]
            cpu_used = float(entry["used"])
            cpu_total = float(entry["total"])
            cpu_used_in_percentage = cpu_used / cpu_total * 100
            cpus[cpu_id] = cpu_used_in_percentage

        # Step 3 : Data Reporting
        for cpu_id in cpus:
            tags = {"name" : cpu_id}
            self.write_double_metric("cpu-usage",tags, "gauge", cpus[cpu_id], False)

        return self.output

# Test your code Here
# helper_methods.print_list(CpuParser().parse_file("input.json",{}))

(You can see that we added Debug message which can help the IKE find issues)

Uncomment the last line and run the class, fix the input name to the name you created and run the class, the result should be:

{'action_type': 'Debug', 'timestamp': 1566803012214, 'message': 'start parser'}
{'action_type': 'WriteDoubleMetric', 'timestamp': 1566803012214, 'tags': {'name': 'cpu-1'}, 'value': 15.0, 'name': 'cpu-usage', 'ds_type': 'gauge'}
{'action_type': 'WriteDoubleMetric', 'timestamp': 1566803012214, 'tags': {'name': 'cpu-2'}, 'value': 50.0, 'name': 'cpu-usage', 'ds_type': 'gauge'}
{'action_type': 'WriteDoubleMetric', 'timestamp': 1566803012214, 'tags': {'name': 'cpu-3'}, 'value': 75.0, 'name': 'cpu-usage', 'ds_type': 'gauge'}
{'action_type': 'WriteDoubleMetric', 'timestamp': 1566803012214, 'tags': {'name': 'cpu-4'}, 'value': 0.5, 'name': 'cpu-usage', 'ds_type': 'gauge'}

Using the python parser in the Command-runner/Collector

command-runner working with Python in is the same way as with AWK.
See Command Runner.

The only thing needed to do, in order to use the python parser file over indeni platform, is to link the ind script to the parser and choose the right type:

-   run:
      type: SNMP
      command: GETBULK --columns
      type: PYTHON

As long as you installed the indeni-parser package the command-runner should work

Unit testing

Files architecture

The test files for each parser should be located in a test folder, next to the parser file.

For example: 


The test file should start with the prefix test_ for example:


In order for python to recognize the path of the packages, the path should not contain any folder/file name with "-", it can only contain "_".

Running the test locally

while running the test, pycharm needs to know that src folder is a source folder. we can do it by right-clicking:


and choose Mark directory as Sources root

The folder color should be turned to blue.

How to write a test file

example for test file:

import os
import unittest

from panw.panos.panos_anti_spyware_info_low_severity.panos_anti_spyware_info_low_severity_parser_1 import LowSevParser1
from parser_service.public.action import WriteDynamicVariable

class TestLowSevParser1(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # Arrange
        self.parser = LowSevParser1()
        self.current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    def test_valid_input(self):
        # Act
        result = self.parser.parse_file(self.current_dir + '/valid_input.xml', {}, {})

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(2, len(result))

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(result[0], WriteDynamicVariable))
        self.assertEqual('profile', result[0].key)
        self.assertEqual('Test', result[0].value)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(result[1], WriteDynamicVariable))
        self.assertEqual('profile', result[1].key)
        self.assertEqual('Test-1', result[1].value)

    def test_invalid_input(self):
        # Act
        result = self.parser.parse_file(self.current_dir + '/invalid_input.xml', {}, {})
        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(0, len(result))

if __name__ == '__main__':

self.current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))