First, you will need a BitBucket login. Once you've logged in, try to access
If you don't have access, you will need an invitation to access: talk to your Indeni contact.

Once you have access to the indeni-knowledge repo, you can "clone" it. Cloning creates a client-side copy of the remote indeni-knowledge repository on your local computer.
That's how GIT works - you always have a local copy of the remote repository and you sync between your local copy and the remote through "pull" and "push" (see more below).

If you prefer to use a different GIT client (e.g., google 'git client install' for a git command line), you can follow the install instructions for that client, and get the clone URL following these steps.

Cloning with Sourcetree

Start here: , and follow these steps. Note that sometimes it can take a while to clone the whole repository.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3