Robo 3T - query MongoDB to troubleshoot ATE's crash

Basic need:

Sometimes we encounter issues in which our ATE simply crash, and provide the following screenshot:

In order to understand in which place of the code we crashed, we will need to review the ATE’s DB, of indeni server, and the tool we use is: Robo 3T.

Step by step guide, to enter the MongoDB:

Log into “Robo 3T” SW:

  1. Set your connection settings as follows:

  • connection settings:

  • Authentication settings:

When Password is: “indeni”

  • SSH settings:

Use the SSH credentials for the indeni server.

  1. Click OK, and use the new connection to log into the MongoDB.

  2. Once inside, you will need to scroll to the ATE section, which failed, using the following:

A query example is:


In order to run the query, hit: command + enter.

The Alert ID, can be found at the URL of the crashed ATE:


How to use the above information:

As we can see above, there was a failure in block: “collect_logging_communication_status”. Now we need to go over our code, in the relevant block, and try to understand what the failure was.

The “exception” field, within the above Robo 3T UI, will asset to get the actual error in which the ATE crashed.