Known Device Tags

  • hostname - the host name of the device, without the domain information (so no periods).

  • - the name of the operating system running on the device.

  • os.version - the version of the OS.

  • vendor - the name of the vendor, all lower case, no spaces (like f5, checkpoint, cisco).

  • model - the device's model.

  • displayname tags:

    • - a user-friendly version of So, while can be "gaia" or "panos", the would be "GAiA" or "PAN-OS".

    • os.version-displayname - a user-friendly version of os.version.

    • vendor-displayname - a user-friendly version of vendor. So, while vendor can be "cisco" or "juniper", this tag should be "Cisco" or "Juniper".

    • model-displayname - a user-friendly version of model.

  • product - the product installed on the device. Must be one of the following (if none fits your case, please consult with your indeni contact). Note these are lower case:

    • switch

    • router

    • firewall

    • load-balancer

    • management

  • vsx - should be "true" for devices that host virtual systems (like Fortinet VDOMs, Juniper / PANW vsys, CHKP VS, F5 vCMP, etc.). If "vsx" is added, "vs-count" is also needed and is a count of the number of virtual systems in this host, plus 1 for the actual device itself.

  • high-availability - should be "true" when a device is part of a cluster.

  • cluster-id - a unique identifier of members of a given cluster (must have high-availability = true). All devices that are of a given cluster will have the same cluster-id. All devices that are NOT of the same given cluster will have another cluster-id, or not at all. The system uses this to know which devices are part of a cluster. The algorithm for generating the cluster-id is up to you, as long as it generates a short string (without line breaks or none-printable characters) that is consistent.

  • chassis - should be true if the device is a chassis device, supporting hardware blades that can be added/removed/interchanged. Otherwise, this is false or non existent.