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ADE (MTB) IKP-4198 development documentation.

List of tests to be completed for (MTB) ADE before delivering a feature.

List of tests:

  1. Test the parser script with data collected from a similar machine/ appliance/chassis for the command being run in the .ind.yaml file created for the parser to check the output data is parsed correctly.

  2. Test the parser script with Data collected from the customer to ensue the outputs match the data received for the command being run the .ind.yaml file created for the parser to check the output data is parsed correctly.

  3. Alert a simulation on a live device to ensure the correct alert is generated for metric being tested by the rule.

  4. Modify and verify the issue items(vs id, cpu number etc.) are being displayed correctly when the alert is generated.

  5. Complete the command-runner tests for the .ind.yaml scripts to rule out any potential bugs in the script.

Current Status:

  1. The .ind.yaml file has been completed with the information for the parser.

  2. The parser .py has been completed to extract the, concurrent connections as well as throughput per VS per chassis.

  3. Tests using a live Lab device as on indeni server has been completed.

  4. unit tests using the mock devices has been completed successfully.

Pending Status:

  1. Need to add additional tags for and will need to add additional command to get the name also displayed.

  2. Need to get the alert generated for concurrent connections nearing peak.

  3. Change the name of folders and unit tests to match the standard naming formats.

  4. Get the information from Charles explicitly that no alert is required for throughput

  5. After the all the tests are finished. Write the parser using the textfsm.

  6. commit the code with the changes done using standard python parsing as well as latter with textfsm.

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